went to library today,just now in the afternoon.. miss those days that we used to hang out in the library, listened to tvxq's concert review together with my friends.. wanted to shout out loud but all of us just suppressed our scream within ourselves..got overexcited for that.. too bad that we couldn't attend their concert at that time.. T.T
then i came across this book..title: talent itself is not enough..so i flipped through the book.. there stated a phrase like this, "..have success and there always a fool will say that you're talented.."
seems true.. hahahaha.. (..i know this is pointless..)
[random snap 1]
[random snap 2]
P.S : infected by stand by u virus.. just love that song..
(stand by u - tvxq)
君はどこにいて? - where are you now?
誰とどこにいて? - who are you being with?
どんな服を着て? - what kind of clothes are you wearing?
何して笑ってるんだろう? - what are you going to laugh at?
僕はここにいて - i am right here
今もここにいて - even now, i am right here
君と二人でまた会えると信じているよ - and i believe that we will see each other again

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