the first...the FIRST blog i post during my stay in perlis... enjoying my 2nd year at uni... studying in year 2 is alot tougher than i thought.. dont mention bout the studies,the schedule is enough to keep your head spinning for the whole week...and you'll see different people when you enter the lab session though my friends and i taking the same subjects this sem...we got split up... im so not used to this...sighhhhhh...
something to share with my dearest friends... i visited langkawi recently... many thought i went to langkawi often as i live near to kuala perlis... guys, i can tell you that you're wrong... after this trip, i dont think i'll make langkawi as my holiday venue for the next few upcoming years(unless my family want me to go)...from the day i returned from langkawi til the day i wrote this post, my head aches and the world around me keep spinning...!!! sighhhh...btw today is my-so-call-lord-jo-cum-jsu's 21st BIRTHDAY!!! happy birthday!! seng ill cu ha hamnida!! tanjyobi omedeto!! unfortunately she's having final exam now... and there goes her most memorable 21st birthday ever.. wahahhahaa...
sunset at langkasuka beach's just next to the beach..
night hawker by langkasuka..
beach bar..the song they played during that time..MY MEMORY..
the room in langkasuka beach's big...
indoor own beach hut..!! hihihi...
1st sunshine at langkawi for me...
chalet by the!!
scenic view..
the beach...
hotel's sister..
the wooden bridge...
breakfast at mary brown...
notice what im sitting on??
while waiting for food, we turned into photo maniac...
the trademark of cute sister..
new pose i learnt from a 4-year-old kid...
ahem....thanks for the wish!!! muahahahahahah