woke up early today..trying to complete my entrepreneurship report..but something else attracted me..eunhyuk's cyworld(celeb like him rarely write many posts).. 

so i read the few latest post..
21.07.2009, 17:32: he posted the picture that he got his hair dyed red.. and he thinks that its horrible..hahaha..later he said its ok..looks like he need some time to get used to his red hair..
2009.07.21 17:46: post bout SUPER SHOW 2.. he's describing how well the staffs and managers working on their concert besides themselves who work hard too..n he thank ELFs for supporting them very much(my korean is not good..kindly excuse me if i made any mistake)..then he posted a picture shows the whole concert before it starts..from there u can really see many fans and blue-ish lights..bravo~ suju..!!
2009.07.26 22:18: i dont really understand what is he talking bout at this post..but it seems like he's saying himself at this age he should work hard.. he says "24 .......Is not the age which tries to be funny…. " ... seems like something is bothering him now..last but not least picture of himself..ahhaahaha

love u so much. hope u alway smile.