[the great menu of the night]
Secret recipe was where I chose to have my dinner yesterday. Surrounded by quiet atmosphere, we had coffees and chat after the meal. If I were at Penang, I bet this will be my weekly routine. LOL. Accompanied by long black and chicken Cornish (not to forget my date partner), I have a blast out of it. There weren’t any hot gossips, any merry with noises and any games to get busy at yet it was the most enjoyable dinner I had. Coffee is a drink that contains caffeine, and caffeine the drug, stimulates the brain, behavior and may increase blood pressure. Later that night, I dreamt. I couldn’t get anymore agree the meaning of the dialogue in Inception. A rough idea of the part I grew my fondness:
“Aren’t we discussing outside?”
“Did you remember how do we get here? In dream, you don’t usually find your way there but out of sudden, you’re there, at the character you meant to hold and experience the experience.”
No doubt for that. Some facts in the movie subconsciously acknowledged through my dreams. For example, Eames changed his look, gender and voice to be someone else and not just only a character but more than one. Definition of dreams are very subjective, depends on how individuals categorize what dream is. Some may say, dreams are something reflective within our subconscious mind, like a mirror. Some may say, dreams may used to predict future and some even say, dreams are a way for you to look into your own past life. Conclusion, it depends.
Again, I dreamt about something odd yesterday. Since I’ve used the word ‘again’, dreaming of those things aren’t special to me. Those definitions I wrote above is what I think has their own accuracy. I’ve dreamt slightly about future, dreamt of situations that I don’t want to experience even once in real life and also dreamt the reflective present life of mine. Yet, the dream that I’m about to speak is something that never happened to me in the past. I dreamt disaster. Well you may say I got the inspiration from 2012 but it’s different from 2012. I wasn’t who I am now (maybe I have changed into some character). Locked in the body of a guy, an Englishman, the scene happened in old English days where they’re using the steam train still. I was out at the countryside, not knowing the exact location. I heard a loud sound, produced by metals, looked up, it was Eiffel Tower making those odd sounds. It’s collapsing and part of its body fell in the direction where I was standing. Hid behind a car, hoping that the tower won’t hit me (I know I am a dolt but in panic, I don’t know what’s the right thing to do), in the end, it did not hit me. Then something illogic happened. Water (sea water I believe) followed the steps of the fallen component of Eiffel Tower, fiercely washed away everything on its way. What makes me think illogic is the fallen parts don’t hit the sea but the city, how come there’re liquids everywhere? It’s time to wake up. My alarm had just rung me up. Ah-, the exit I often took from my dreams, either my character dies or something rings me up. It was a long journey back then.
Someone asked me what do inception means? I did not answer as I was busy texting. Inception – the beginning.
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